
Sunday, June 06, 2010

Grading Obama's First Year

From CBS we get this nifty poll. Grade President Obama's first year in office.


So far it looks very grim. He may need another vacation and golf outing.

The Economy
A: 4.77%
B: 4.56%
C: 5.27%
D: 17.80%
F: 67.60%

Foreign Policy
A: 6.80%
B: 4.19%
C: 7.67%
D: 21.66%
F: 59.68%

Health Care
A: 7.14%
B: 3.01%
C: 2.87%
D: 8.31%
F: 78.67%

A: 5.67%
B: 13.60%
C: 25.96%
D: 22.84%
F: 31.93%

A: 5.79%
B: 10.08%
C: 24.39%
D: 23.77%
F: 35.96%

Threat of Terrorism
A: 6.63%
B: 4.92%
C: 9.74%
D: 21.19%
F: 57.52%

Energy and the Environment
A: 5.66%
B: 5.56%
C: 12.70%
D: 21.03%
F: 55.04%

Social Issues
A: 6.71%
B: 4.69%
C: 10.82%
D: 18.95%
F: 58.84%

A: 6.60%
B: 3.12%
C: 4.00%
D: 8.08%
F: 78.20%

Obama's Overall Job as President
A: 6.28%
B: 4.03%
C: 3.69%
D: 22.25%
F: 63.76%


Rose said...

LOL, I concur.

Mike's America said...

That poll has been online now for months. I am surprised that the lefties didn't organize their cyber brigades to go boost his numbers.

But then, they are probably half the ones giving him an "F".

Anna said...

Rose, LOL

Mike, I guess it proves he IS the great uniter. Everyone united in disgust of him.