
Thursday, August 03, 2006

Disproportionate Response

Mel Gibson gets pulled over for DUI and says some pretty darn stupid and hateful things about Jews. And the media swoons in a severe bout of the vapors over it.

The President of Iran repeatedly calls for the destruction of Israel while denying the Holocaust of the Jews in WWII happened. And the media barely blinks an eye.

Yet the media wonders why no one trusts them. It seems pretty obvious to me why no one trusts them anymore.


Anonymous said...

What ever it's worth, I am with you in this one. Why do we elevate these stars up on pedestals in the first place and scream bloody murder when they turn out to be just like us or even worse? Why do we feel need to fall for these images and not to be able to separate the man from his art? Gorgeous Mel is experiencing real honest to godness lynching.

Anna said...

Pekka, do you condemn the President of Iran just as harshly you do Mel Gibson as you wish him to suffer an 'honest to godness lynching?'

Anonymous said...

Red, you managed to misinterpet me again! I know that, you might have a problem with my not totally fluent English and I appologize for that!

What I wanted to say is that, Mel is just a human saddled with higher expectations by all of us because of his star status. When he "slipped", we formed a possy with the rope ready to finnish him as a man and as an artist. I hate this unforgivenness in us and I wish, even if I didn't like what he said and did, that we wouldn't do this de facto lynching. I hope you got my drift this time.

Ahamadinejad is a rabid dog and dangerously inflicted with "religious" extremism that has no place in Iran and even less elsewhere. As to if I'd be redy to hang the bastard, my answer is NO. His demise by other means would not disturb my sleep though.

Anna said...

Skye, thank you for trying. Hope you did not turn blue in the face with the effort.