A slight break from the news coverage and commentary I think is in order. So I will recount a tale told to me from a SERE School graduate.
One of the things each person must do is eat off the land as part of the training. Out in the field, one such source of food are the lowly grasshoppers. As my friend was telling me there is a certain technique on how to eat a grasshopper.
A female trainee decided to try to eat the live grasshopper as you would a peanut. She popped it into her mouth in one motion. But before she could close her mouth, you guessed it. *boing* And away the grasshopper went, free from being eaten by a human while the human looked on in horror as her meal jumped away.
As for the technique my friend used, well as I said the grasshopper is alive, so my friend carefully removed the long legs and the wings before putting it into their mouth. *crunch*
SERE, where grasshoppers are considered haute cuisine. o.O
Oh well...guess they'll save that for the ants...
Ewwww.... I've written a few gross posts in my time... but this...
Chocolate covered ants??? Step away slowly.....
Mike, it was a fascinating story of the disturbing type that is hard to turn away from. So decided to share it.
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