
Friday, July 28, 2006

Seattle Jihad?

This is truly disturbing and tragic news that is coming out of Seattle, WA. Four or five people were shot and one is dead while they were at the Jewish Federation of Greater Seattle.

Harborview spokeswoman Pamela Steele said five victims were taken to her facility, all women ranging in age from 20s to 40s. Each suffered gunshot wounds to the abdomen, knee, groin or arm. Three were in critical condition and still in the operating room. Two are in satisfactory condition.

Soon afterwards a man was arrested outside the building at the corner of Third Avenue and Virginia Street. One witness reported the suspect made mention of his distress over the Mideast situation.

Lets all pray for those who have been brutally attacked and their familes, especially remember the family of the one who died.


Anonymous said...

I expect this will not be the only incident especially after Zawahiri's call to arms.

Anonymous said...

This morning's report said he put a gun to a 13-year-old girls head to get in the building. Lovely.

Anna said...

I know, disgusting it is.