
Friday, October 31, 2008

Rejoining Shipmates

Indiana War Memorial

When I read this story, I was simply overwhelmed.

YOKOSUKA, Japan (AP) — When the submarine USS Ohio surfaced at sea and Machinist Mate 1st Class Jason Witty emerged from the hatch to look around, he saw calm, blue water under a peaceful sky — perfect for the solemn task he was about to perform.
On the map, the Ohio was afloat in just another indistinguishable expanse of the Pacific Ocean. As Witty stood on deck holding a silver pitcher, the vessel was alone. Just like the ill-fated USS Indianapolis, 63 years earlier.
The pitcher contained the ashes of Witty's grandfather, Boatswain Mate 2nd Class Eugene Morgan, who had survived the sinking of the Indianapolis — one of the worst tragedies for the U.S. Navy in World War II.
Morgan had died of a heart attack in June at age 87, just before Witty went to sea, and among his last wishes was the desire to be rejoined with his shipmates at roughly the same spot in the Pacific where the Indianapolis went down.
Witty, sitting in a wardroom of the Ohio at this Japanese port, recounted the Oct. 2 burial at sea, saying he had never participated in one before.
He had sheepishly asked one of the officers if his grandfather's wish could be granted. The request went up the chain of command to Capt. Dennis Carpenter, who quickly approved.
"I thought it would be an honor," Carpenter said. "And I wanted to make sure that we did it right. Sometimes on a submarine at sea, you just can't go topside. But everything
seemed to be on our side."

This sinking is still one of the greatest tragedies to ever happen at sea during a time of war. Almost 900 men went into the water that night and by the time rescue accidentally arrived five days later, only 317 were pulled out of the water. And to this day, who was to blame for losing USS Indianapolis in the vast Pacific for five days opens wounds six decades old while shipmates mourn the destruction of their Captain by Naval court martial.

Thugs for Gun Control

Thanks to Rides a Pale Horse for sending me this video.

Why Absent?

Burn out, both at work and covering the Obama. If you have not realized what a socialist thuggee Obama is by now, well its pointless to belabor the point.

If if was not for people like his own mother, Frank Marshall, Bill Ayers, Bernadine Dohrn, Jeremiah Wright, Tony Resko, Fr Fleagle, and Khalidi; I am sure Barack Obama would be an alright guy, but with such associations he has become a creep by creepmosis.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Add Genocidal Marxist

to the Friends of Obama list.

From the Washington Times:
By mid-February 2008, more than 1,500 Kenyans were killed. Many were slain by machete-armed attackers. More than 500,000 were displaced by the religious strife. Villages lay in ruin. Many of the atrocities were perpetrated by Muslims against Christians.
Odinga supporters began the genocide hours after the final election results were announced Dec. 30.
Raila Odinga is a Marxist. He graduated from East Germany's Magdeburg University in 1970 on a scholarship provided by the East German government. He named his oldest son after Fidel Castro.
Initially, Mr. Odinga was not the favored opposition candidate to stand in the 2007 election against President Mwai Kibaki, who was seeking his second term. However, he received a tremendous boost when Sen. Barack Obama arrived in Kenya in August 2006 to campaign on his behalf. Mr. Obama denies that supporting Mr. Odinga was the intention of his trip, but his actions and local media reports tell otherwise.
Mr. Odinga and Mr. Obama were nearly inseparable throughout Mr. Obama's six-day stay. The two traveled together throughout Kenya and Mr. Obama spoke on behalf of Mr. Odinga at numerous rallies.

Other genocidal Marxists of history: Stalin, Mao, and Pol Pot. Why elect as President a man who campaigned for a similar thug? With associations like Rezko, Ayers, Dhorn, Farrahkhan, Wright, and Odinga cluttering up Obama's friends' mailing-list, one starts to get the feeling that what Obama is presenting to the public is not the real Obama.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

A Vote Too Far

This is going to be real interesting if it all pans out. The BDS wing of the Democratic Party's white knight in the Valerie Plame affair maybe getting ready to bring Sen. Barack Obama down under RICO charges due to ACORN activities.

Tonight we talked to someone who works in the federal courts here in Chicago. The buzz in those corridors is that federal prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald has been leading a team of FBI investigators in 10 states working on a RICO case.
Today, it was announced that ACORN is being investigated in 10 states.
That’s one heck of a coincidence.

Hat-tip to the PUMAs for finding this article. Word of advice to sister Hillary, get out of the abusive relationship you have with the DNC now. Do a Tina Turner and leave the fool.

Philip Berg Interview

Here is an interview with lawyer, former Asst Attorney General of Pennsylvania, life long member of the NAACP, and past Democratic candidate for PA Governor and Senator - Philip Berg who now finds himself at the center of the Barack Obama birth certificate controversy. This is ten minutes well spent as Berg explains why he has done this.

Massive PSA - Why We Fight

Here are all six parts from 2bn442RCT of Frank Capra's Why We Fight - Prelude to War and the first two parts of Nazis Strike. Take in moderation.

Prelude Part I

Prelude Part II

Prelude Part III

Prelude Part IV

Prelude Part V

Prelude Part VI

Nazis Strike Part I

Nazis Strike Part II

Saturday, October 11, 2008

The 0 has the Barbarian Vote Locked Up

Just found this over on the Hillary Clinton Forum, fine PUMA establishment, from Moon Child. Like her I think part of me just died that people can think this way. Or maybe part of my faith in this Republic surviving died.

I will quote it in its entirety. Moon Child lives in the DC area.

I was working at my theatre and two of the ushers were talking trash about Palin as well as saying "Sure, Obama has connections to the corrupt Chicago machine. ..but who cares?" They KNOW he's corrupt. They just no longer care. About Ayers? They just want people to STOP TALKING ABOUT HIM. They even said that they knew Ayers was bad, but they just wanted people to stop talking about it so Obama could win against the "anti Obama media". No, this is what Obots actually think.

I wish I could say that was the worst of it, but it isn't. It really isn't.

I started complaining about this to a Republican co worker. He comforted me, then called Obama "Obama bin Laden". Now, I loathe Obama, but that's just plain not cool, and I told him as much. The Obots overheard and agreed with me. I added "Besides, he's more of a fascist then a Muslim, anyways."

"You mean Hitler? Oh! Speaking of Hitler the odd thing about Hitler-"

"I was talking about Mussolini."

"Nah, he acts more like Hitler," said the OBOT WHO SUPPORTED OBAMA. He then added, "You know, between Hitler and Mussolini, Hitler acts the most like Jesus. I mean, NO dictator acts like Jesus, but Hitler acts the most like him." He said this knowing that my father was a Jew.

To my surprise, the other Obot added "Yeah, Hitler's my kind of fascist. I mean, I identify with him *so* much!"

Since I study Hitler, it took until the car ride home for that conversation to really sink in. But when it did, a part of me died inside.

In the past, I would just type on this website. Now, I'm motivated to actively campaign for McCain. I hope this story motivates bench sitters to campaign for McCain as well.

Thinking Christ, Hitler, and Obama are similar. Barbarians the lot of them. And Moon Child I am sorry you had to run into idiots like that from both sides of the aisle.


There are just a few weeks left before November 4 and perhaps some kind of closure.

While people are bemoaning Sen. McCain as spinless for saying there is nothing to fear from President Obama, they are losing sight of the ball. The one thing conservatives and moderates do not need is to provide for the MSM rumour mill as the MSM bangs their hysterical drum of all who oppose Obama are racist reactionaries. I am glad Sen. McCain is not trying to wave the bloody red shirt ala Garabaldi; leave that to the Obama supporters who see Gov. Palin wearing white clothes as some kind of secret signal that the KKK is back.

Sen. McCain and Gov. Palin do not need to invent anything on Sen. Obama. We still have his neighbor and financial buddy Tony Rezko, a convicted felon, feeding Fitzgerald information that may take down the Chicago political machine. Sen. Obama may get tallied in the casualty column due to 'friendly' fire if that does go down. There is the matter of all the funny money that has been funneled into Sen. Obama's presidential campaign, as the previously noted New York Times article intimates; the Republicans are complaining that as much as $210million of the $450million Sen. Obama has raised maybe tainted. Then we have his multi-year involvement with ACORN and their support of him; ACORN should stand for A Criminal Organization Ripping-off a Nation - after all the Democrats in Congress keep funneling them tax money so they can register 7-year-olds as 27-year-olds or registering homeless people. Lifelong Democrat and NAACP memeber Philip Berg in the Keystone state is fighting a legal battle to see if Sen. Obama is Constitutionally qualified to be POTUS. And notice, not one mention of Weather Underground bomb-maker and Chicago college professor William Ayers nor Rev. Jerimiah Wright or Louis Farrakhan. Nixon leaving the White House after Watergate and Spiro Agnew's conviction did not have this much baggage.

And as a what if to think on. What if the Berg lawsuit sinks Obama as being President. Or Rezko's testimony nabs Obama an indictment. Or ACORN gets slapped with RICO and Obama is indicted as a co-conspirator. If its before November 4th, will the DNC try to run Biden as the top of the ticket? Will the DNC go groveling on their knees to ask Sen. Clinton, in a truly act of selflessness, to pick up the baton of candidacy? Or lets say the indictments happen after Nov 4th but before the Electoral College convenes. What then, does Obama get yanked and Biden shoved forward? Will the Electors transfer their non-binding votes to Biden or vote for someone else? Or it all goes down just before the Innaguration on January 20th, 2009. Preisdent Joe Biden will start his term under a cloud of corruption and then have to put to the Senate his selection for VP.

We have these kinds of headaches to look forward to because the DNC and the Democrat caucus process chose the glib poster child of their idea of affirmative action. Instead of giving the nomination to Sen. Clinton, the known quantity.

No wonder the Chinese consider interesting times a curse.

Palin Hacker Indicted

Just in case people have forgotten, the slow grinding road to justice for Gov. Sarah Palin in the case of her privacy being violated by a hacker moves forward.

20 year old David Kernell has been indicted by a grand jury. His bail is strangely lenient, no money down and he has to stay away from computers. Naturally David Kernell, via his lawyer, has entered a not guilty plea.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Obama's Funny Donors

The New York Times might have stumbled across something and then tried to spin it as 'everyone does it.' It seems the Obama campaign has accepted donations from fictitious donors.

Test Person - $2,410.07
Jockim Alberton - $445
Jgtj Jfggjjfgj - $370
Derty West and Derty Poiiuy - $1,110

In total after a few days of cursory examination looking for obvious problems like the afore mentioned Mr/Ms/Mrs/Hir Jgtj Jfggjjgj, the New York Times found nearly 3,000 suspicious donors. In fact Obama has taken in $314,000 in such donations.

Do we really need amateurs trying to run the country?

McCain Slams Obama Over ACORN

Watch this and remember such things as the Las Vegas raid on ACORN where they tried to register the whole starting line-up of the Dallas Cowboys or in Conneticut when it was found ACORN had filed a voter registration card for a 7-year old girl. Obama is tied to ACORN as the DNC is now tied to Obama.

Update 1915 Central - apparently YouTube has pulled the video. If you go back to the page they got as a banner saying Fox News LLC laid a copyright claim and they pulled it. Sounds strange very strange to me.

Luckily YouTube has not managed to censor Sen. John McCain's web-site so you can see the video there.

Thursday, October 09, 2008

Operation Chaos

If what this CBS reporter has observed is true, then it is pretty damning on Sen. Obama's management and leadership skills.

Behind the scenes, where the public is not allowed, there are other differences.

Obama's campaign schedule is fuller, more hectic and seemingly improvisational. The Obama aides who deal with the national reporters on the campaign plane are often overwhelmed, overworked and un-informed about where, when, why or how the candidate is moving about. Baggage calls are preposterously early with the explanation that it's all for security reasons.

If so, I would love to have someone from Obama's campaign explain why the entire press corps, the Secret Service, and the local police idled for two hours in a Miami hotel parking lot recently because there was nothing to do and nowhere to go. It was not an isolated case.

The national headquarters in Chicago airily dismisses complaints from journalists wondering why a schedule cannot be printed up or at least e-mailed in time to make coverage plans.

President Bill Clinton's White House operated in such a chaotic manner with him showing up late for his own meetings. But back then we were living in the end of history. Today we do not have that luxury.

Or maybe Dean Reynolds is right and Sen. Obama and his staff think they are better and really don't need to hang out with the reporters. No matter how you slice it, Sen. Obama and his staff come across as haughty and above mere mortals. Even a messy airplane does not affect them in the least as they pursue their goal of electing Sen. Obama President. Just think what that kind of blinkered view will do to a whole country.

Tuesday, October 07, 2008

The Lawyers Dwell on Small Details

When Daddy had to fly,
The lawyers clean up all details,
When Daddy had to lie.

Don Henley penned the lyrics to End of Innocence as an indictment of President Reagan and his administration. How it was embroiled in investigations over Iran-Contra. As the above quoted lyrics also indicate, its an indictment against lawyers who are hired not to defend but to muddy things to such an extent that nothing is learned while everyone walks away disgusted.

I am reminded of these lyrics because of a current legal case that could have far reaching and profound consequences for this Republic. All Phillip Berg wanted to do is have his fears allayed and he asked a politician to please release some documents that could resolve the matter. Instead of releasing the documents that Phillip Berg think are important, the politician and his allies have dragged this matter into the court and are now waging a delaying action hoping Berg will give up.

What was the mantra in the 1960s? Oh yes, "Question authority." And that is what Berg is doing, questioning authority because he has misgivings about a candidate. So now he finds himself locked in combat with the party he has long supported. All because they think telling Phillip Berg to trust them should be enough.

In the end Berg's fight is our fight since he is trying to keep our political system free, fair, and most importantly transparent so there can be do doubt about who is declared the winner when it comes to voting on November 4th.