
Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Quotable Quotes

"If I have a choice of being popular and dead or unpopular and alive, I choose being alive and unpopular." - Ariel Sharon


painting melbourne said...

It's like saying that there's no perfect life story. You couldn't have everything in this world. You have to decide which is the best for you. Wonderful quote! I would also choose being alive and unpopular. What's the importance of being popular if you're dead by then?

Ed Rasimus said...

Popularity is very over-estimated. I'd rather be respected than popular.

Anna said...

Ari Sharon said that before Israel raided Osirak. Some in Begin's cabinet were arguing aginst the raid because of the negative PR Israel would receive frmo Europe and the US.

Ed Rasimus said...

OMG! You mean Iraq's Sadaam was pursuing weapons of mass destruction in 1981? I guess he saw the light then and abandoned his efforts from that point forward.


Anna said...

Exactly Ed. I recently re-read Raid on the Sun about the Osirak raid. Could not escape the deja vu in regards to Iran. Sure Iran wants nuclear power for peaceful means just like Iraq said was the purpose of Osirak. The only other parrell I can hope is being followed is the Russians shafting the Iranains like they did the Iraqis and their nuclear program.

Ed Rasimus said...

Lost opportunities. At a point about two years ago it was still possible for the Israeli AF to make the Iranian air defense lights go out and the program disappear in the way they did Syria. No longer within the realm of surgical strikes. And Big Brother wouldn't give the OK even if it were.

Anna said...

Well the Obama admin has shown Netayahu and Israel that he does not have their back. So like Osirak, US good will is not a factor. Survival of the Israeli people is.

Unlike Iraq, the Iranian program has multiple sites. So barring divine intervention like earthquakes swallowing the whole program, I am with you. The ship has sailed and now we pray the Iranians don't manage to conjure the nuclear djinn. Scant comfort if they succeed.