
Monday, April 11, 2011

Coffee Mug

Well I am officially a capitalist. After rooting around CafePress' arcane way of accounting, I found out I have made a sale. Back on April 8, a good person in Kansas bought a 'NON-ESSENTIAL' bumper sticker. Thank you very much kind being.

To mark this occasion along with our President's predeliction for golf during stressful times, I have created more items to sell: coffee cup, large coffee cup, and of course a bumper sticker.

So when you are feeling stressed out, trying to stay afloat financially in these tough times. Pause for a moment, grab your Obama coffee cup, slosh your favorite liquid in it and just think of Obama on the links. Then you will add liquor to your drink of choice and really feel better.


Ed Rasimus said...

You may be a candidate for "Snark of the Week" as it is well documented that it is one of the things he doesn't do very well at all.

Eowyn said...

MJe, I'd love to get em a nOnessential mug. :)

Anna said...

Ed, LOL Thanks! Try the veal, will be here all week. :)

Eowyn, ask and ye shall receive - http://www.cafepress.com/sufashop.523341024

Legion said...

He doesn't do President very well at all either but he keeps doing it with the same lack of skill. And with his usual poor taste in clothes. He throws baseballs like a girl also. Saw another good b-sticker today- 'Don't blame me- I voted for the American!'

Anna said...

Legios - "Vote for the Non-Union, Vote American." :D

J said...

You may be a candidate for "Clueless White Trash Bimbo of the Week", though competition is stiff.

Anna said...

Hey J, stay classy.

Legion said...

WHOA! You know these blowhards Anna? Eddie boy and 'J' seem like they need to be smacked around a tad. Delete those snarky trash comments- how DARE they attack you and butt kiss the marxist mulatto!

Rose said...

He doesn't golf well, and he doesn't do President well, he doesn't know how to cut spending, stop being partisan, stand up to dictators, flush murderous plotters like Bill Ayres - doesn't play well with others, doesn't seem to have any friends, won't release his grades or his college papers... takes too many expensive vacations, throws too many lavish parties then tells us we have to live a more spartan lifestyle...

"We all have to give something" - well, except the public employees in Wisconsin or the Union thugs 0 they get waivers on everything...

C'mon, he does one thing well, stand up there and lie, knowing that the activist machine will do all the dirty work to cover his ass.

Does that cover it?

He could have passed a cost cutting budget - in a big hurry - a year ago, he had control of both houses, and what did he do? Spent like a drunken - well, I don't want to insult the military - and NOW, when he is called on it, when he sees the polls tanking lo and behold he cares about cutting spending - but not really - he is really just there to push lerner's meme - we're not broke, there's plenty of money, just the rich have yours and you should take it - get out the pitchforks, he is the leader of the new kkk.

Anna said...

Legios, please go read Ed's blog Thunder Tales. Then get back to me on why should I do what you want? As for J, he seems the usual drive-by troll.

Rose, I know. Which makes pointing out his golfing accomplishments even more funney, because he does not golf well. Which makes everything else he does seem even more lackluster. He could have accomplished many things, but that would have required him to actually put his name to things and he would be held accountable when they fail. So President Present lets others do the lifting and he plays mediocre golf instead. Meanwhile he shows how out of touch he is.