
Wednesday, September 16, 2009

He Said What??

Tonight's Hannity on Fox was interesting. Besides the continued dissection of that criminal enterprise called ACORN - from tiny acorns doth grow great oaks of scandal, they decided to discuss former president and all around kook Jimmy Carter's comment that all opposition to President Obama and his policies are just racist.

It was during this that a certain well-fed progressive pundit opened his mouth and uncorked a real howler of a statement that should forever be memorialized. He was spinning and trying to make a case of why criticising Obama is a truly bad thing. So he did something that is classic Obama, he over-reached in his metaphors in defending President Obama by invoking Queen Elizabeth II of England.

"Obama is our queen."

Our queen? Listen Jack Sprat who obviously did grow fat, this is the United States of America and we sent King George III and his Hessian mercenaries packing from these shores with the help of the French. You start talking royalty and divine right to rule because 52% voted for Obama, it will get real interesting buster. Until this President really does reach across the aisle, I will continue to laugh at both of yours small-minded condescension of fellow Americans as serfs. You sir, in fact, look like the piss-boy!


Rides A Pale Horse said...

The desperation and arrogance of the left are something to behold.

(settles in to nice, soft, warm recliner to observe the sinking of the tramp steamer *pun intended* that is the left)

I got popcorn and beer.....

Care to join me?

pat said...

One wonders at the queer analogies that these elites grab for. Not from my neighborhood, that is for sure.

AndyJ said...

As Pat said... I also wondered if he made that statement in the Barney Frank definition of the word.

Anna said...

Yes there is much that is queer with the Obama administration, starting from the top and going all the way down to the thirty-something czars.

Anna said...

RAPH, yeah better stockpile as everyone finally does a pile-on, suddenly for Obama its not good to be the queen. Especially when getting zinged by acorns.

Macker said...

Dang! I thought that title belonged to Барни Франк....

Anna said...

which title? Queen?