
Sunday, May 01, 2005

USS Harry S. Truman invaded

From the UK Telegraph:
Yessoufou sparked a security review at the naval base as he managed to get past both Royal and US Navy security to get on board the visiting nuclear-powered warship.
He was able to walk around for two hours unhindered before he was found, arrested and detained initially under the Terrorism Act 2000.

From the Isle of Wright County Press:
Yessoufou had previously appeared before Uxbridge Magistrates three times this year for entering restricted zones at Heathrow. He also reached the side of an aircraft at Southampton Airport in January.

My only thoughts on this are: why isn't this wanker locked up in the Tower of London already awaiting a very close haircut?

As for the security elements of the USN and RN, I think they need to be shipped off to the desert for a few months of on the job training in guarding the Green Zone.

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