Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Two Web Things

To transition to more of the usual, a couple online gadgets are in order.

You Know Your States
You got 9/10 correct.
You've got a pretty good handle on US geography.
There's a good chance you've visited at least a dozen of the fifty states.

I am still wondering which question I missed. :)

cash advance

Fascinating, guess I use too many big words. (:


  1. Anonymous5:54 PM

    Hah Anna, we all know you're a genius, that's only one of the many reasons we love you. (:

    Ooopsie! Looks like I need to work on my US geography a little. "Hey everybody, I'm from Holland. Isn't that funny?"
    umm....what movie is that quote from again?:D

    "You got 4/10 correct.

    So you really don't know the way around the map of the US.
    Let's hope you're not American... or if you are, that you've never left your state!"

  2. Myrtus, hahaha! (:

    Maybe I ought to dig up a world geography test next. You will probably smoke me there.

    The test is a bit snarky with that 'never left your state' comment. Just 100 years ago, how many Americans would think nothing of travelling 100 miles from home? And I bet those children back then could have answered these questions also.

    For that movie quote, I would have to Google it since I dont have a clue.
