Saturday, June 30, 2012

One Murdered Ft. Bragg

Update - 1 July 2012

The suspected shooter has been identified and he has died of his wounds.  Spc. Ricky Elder of Hutchinson, KS was facing court-martial for theft of a $1,700 tool-kit and also facing charges in a civilian court for punching a woman in the face.

The United States Army lost a man Thursday.  He did not die in a far distant land like Afghanistan, instead he died on American soil at Ft. Bragg, NC.

The name of the deceased man is Lt. Col. Roy Tisdale, commander of the 525th Battlefield Surveillance Brigade.  It seems he was giving members of his unit a pre-4th of July safety briefing when a soldier opened fire upon Tisdale with a firearm.  Then the shooter turned the weapon upon himself.  One other soldier was slightly wounded in the incident, Spc. Michael Latham.

The name of the shooter has not been released pending notification of next of kin.  The man remains in critical condition.  MSNBC/Reuters is reporting the shooter was facing court-martial over the theft of a $2,000 tool-box from the motor-pool when the shooting happened.

Lt. Col Tisdale leaves behind a wife and two children.  Please keep them in your prayers.

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