Monday, May 28, 2012

Fallen Warrior Returns Home

September 13th, 1944 saw the 8th Air Force launch a total of 1,015 B-17s and B-24s to attack vital targets in Germany.  They hit oil refineries, an air field, a marshaling yard, and targets of opportunity.  By the end of the day 15 heavy bombers had been lost in combat.  One of the B-17Gs lost carried Lt. Emil Wasilewski.  Only one man managed to bail out before the plane crashed.

Until 2007, a casket laid buried but empty at St. Casimir Cemetery.  This was the resting place for Lt. Emil Wasileski.  Then it all changed when the Army contacted his nephews for a DNA sample.  It turns out human remains had been uncovered in the former East Germany that might have belonged to fallen American airmen.  Using the DNA sample, it was confirmed that some of the remains belonged to Lt. Emil Wasileski.  This June he will be interred with full military honors and an overflight in Arlington National Cemetery.  And if further remains are ever found, their ashes will be sprinkled over the empty casket so Emil Wasileski can finally be home and rest with his parents.

Welcome home and G-d bless.

Post script - why you never laugh at the Tomb of the Unknown at Arlington.  It's called respect.

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