Saturday, April 28, 2012

Leftist Civility

This is how some seem to define civility.  Notice they have a cartoon version of Sarah Palin who is putting a gun to her head.  Notice they toss in a disclaimer that they are not advocating that Sarah Palin should be assassinated, but I would say their picture belies that statement.  I find, you decide.


  1. Polliwog8:18 AM

    Well *technically* they're advocating she commit suicide as opposed to be assassinated. I've noteiced another trait of the Left is to hope others will do for them, on all levels, whatever they want done.

  2. Considering the Secret Service considers similar graphics as threats to the President, this is a double standard that the Left doesn't seem to understand.

  3. One standard GOOD, two standards BETTER! The left is driven by slogans, not intellect or even reflection.

  4. I have frequently said that there will be no improvement in the general tone of our political discourse until BOTH SIDES are held to the same standard.

    Yet Democrats continue to exempt themselves from the same standard they daily demand of us.

  5. It is sickening the whole charade of the left. They are tolerant as long as you toe the party line. If not, death to you. They are never wrong, even as their policies destroy fertile lands and denude whole villages of people.
