
Monday, January 25, 2010

New O Logo


Mike's America said...

Can we call that the "O hole" logo?

Tom said...

I think the Dems are just as scared of "O" as we are...or maybe not...

chicagodudewhotrades said...

There should be a warning at the bottom of the logo that should read:

"not if you are a dem running for office in VA, NJ, and MA"

Six said...

That's a home run Anna. Funniest thing I've seen since the O'Riddler poster.

Anna said...

The O-scheis-hole Mike?

Tom, it all depends. The likes of Bayh apparently are not afraid. Others, who knows.

ChiDude, well that is implied. Obama is election poison. Three times he shows up, three failures. What was that adage about enemy actions?

Yep Six. I thought of it when Obama said the Dems had 'me.' All I could think of was the All-State commercial of being in good hands.

In just a bit will put up another post, found on John Cox's site. Pied Piper Obama.