This is one of the most ridiculous concepts ever. In personal terms if a mugger uses a truncheon then all you can use is a truncheon; if you use a gun to defend yourself then that is not proportional and you are wrong. See how silly that is?
Or how about if some high muckity-muck in the DoD wants to try and contain the escalation of conflict. So he decrees that US forces can only up the ante if the enemy does it first. This nimrod, by his ludricous decree, just denied the US the advantage of initiative.
Think no one in the DoD could be that stupid? Ask Robert McNamara since that is how he ham-strung US forces in VietNam. Oh they are building an SA-2 site or two or three? Well until they fire on US warplanes nothing can be done or we might kill a Russian advisor. All McNamara did was prolong the war until America grew tired of it, aided and abetted by the media. So over 50,000 American lives were lost along with countless South VietNamese lives.
And the talking heads like Kofi Annan are suggesting this very concept in regards to Israel's attempt to stop the rocket attacks on its citizens that are being launched from south Lebanon and Israel's efforts to find their kidnapped soldiers. Needless to say, a return to a status quo that is advantageous to Hezbollah is not in Israel's interest and should be avoided at all cost.
Ah Anna, old memories come back of going up and down the Mekong River and not being able to fire on Cong machinegun emplacements unless we had the OK from Saigon. What a way to fight a war.
Israel will get no support because even our own guys are having to check and re-check before they discharge their weapons because they could be charged with murder. Is this what the ACLU and other organizations like them want...just have the Hezbollah, Hamas, insurgents, terrorists win? Oh, yes, that pretty much is what they want!
I know what you mean. Stupid aint it? And Israel has been held hostage to such improbably high moral standards for over 50 years. They have adhered to everything they have promised to do and yet Hamas, Hisbollah, Fatah, etc still want to destroy Israel.
They must have other worldly protection to have survived doing appeasement at international extortion for so long.
Then, I think that there is ONLY ONE answer............. when going in to battle, the troops MUST be preceeded by large groups of lawyers and ACLU members. This is the only way that we can be sure that the battles will be fairly fought. Another plus will be the eradication of a lot of lawyers. Win win situation.
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