
Sunday, August 14, 2005

Politics DOES make strange bedfellows

Gas gauges in modern cars tend to have this nifty glowing red-orange warning light when approaching the E symbol to tell the driver she had better find a gas station quick or be stuck on the side of the road calling on cell-phone for help.

Well the deranged far left who have opposed from day one any American response to the murder of 3000 innocent human beings just acquired a big glaring red warning light that they are approaching their intellectual E.

David Duke, former Grand Kleagle of the KKK and ideological bedmate with a younger Senator Robert Byrd[D-W Va], not to mention thwarted Republican - we don't want him! - gubernatorial candidate Louisiana [instead they voted in Edwin Edwards [D] who already had a conviction record.] has declared his support for the grieving mother Cindy Sheehan and her jihad against Israeli occupation of Paleostinian lands - not to mention against President Bush and the war in Iraq.

Attention members of the Democratic Party, your far left has gone so far around the bend it has now intersected with the extreme far right nut jobs. I don't think this was what Einstein was talking about when he came up with curved space. Back on topic, to the still sane members of the Democratic Party do something about this before your party is on the ash heap of history along with the Whigs.

Thanks to LittleGreenFootballs for finding this gem. I just wish it was fantasy and not unsettling reality.

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